Delaware Family Eye Center - Eye Care | Newark, DE
94 -96A Omega Dr.
Newark, DE 19713-2066

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Starting in 2025, Dr. Erwinsuh will become an employee of Lavenburg Medical Group. His existing patients can see him at the new location at

1 Centurin Drive, Suite 114, Newark, DE, 19713. Call (302) 664-8060. The practice is located in the Abby Medical Building on the first floor.

Starting January 2, 2025, Dr Erwin Suh will become an employee of Lavenburg Medical Group. His existing patients can be seen at the Lavenburg Medical Group practice. The practice address is located at 1 Centurian Drive, Suite 114, Newark, DE 19713. To schedule appointments, please call (302) 664-8060. Lavenburg Medical Group is located on the first floor of the Abby Medical Center. The website is For contact lens verification requests, medical records requests, or faxing physician referral letters, please send faxes to (410) 392-8120.

If you have a billing question, please email the billing office at  

We want to take this time to thank all of our patients for their patronage and we look forward to seeing you at the new practice location!

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